Sunday 18 May 2014

This is it! First post of (hopefully) many.

Welcome to You Me and Tuscany!  AKA.... Sarah, Zack and Tuscany.  AKA Sarah, Zack and a ton of new places.   We actually are hitting up a LOT more than just Tuscany this summer... Tuscany is however one of our most looked forward to destinations.  And we thought it was a decent blog name.  :)

Maybe I should back up a bit.  For those who haven’t been filled in on the details yet, Zack and I are leaving Canada on July 3rd for quite the adventure.  Zack has accepted a teaching position at a high school in England and will begin his one year contract this September.  You can check out the school website here:  (Quick side note:  The principal of this school used to be a professional rugby player!  I think that’s pretty cool.  That’s a huge deal in England!)  I am extremely proud of Zack :). I know he’ll make an awesome teacher.  

Though we have been warned that high school kids in England have a reputation for being somewhat ...unruly (we don’t know if this is actually true.  I guess we’ll find out), we are looking at this as a great opportunity.  It is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to challenge ourselves, and to explore parts of this world that we have never been to.  With that being said, we are flying over two months early to backpack Europe!  We are beginning our travels with a layover in Iceland for three days (which we are pretty pumped about), and then landing in Denmark to begin our trek.  We won’t actually be in England until late August.  Needless to say, we are constantly researching, reading, and discussing everything from our summer itinerary, finding housing in England, our packing lists, to all the fine details in between.  Trust me, there are a LOT of details.  I have to give props to my lovely husband for being the one who is mostly on top of things.  I had a lot of fun creating the look of this blog while I’m sure he was researching travel insurance or some other not-so-fun detail.  Thanks Zack. :)

So that is a brief synopsis of what’s going on with us.  I’ll be sure to post our itinerary soon!
(We are actually down to 46 days now!)


  1. Hi Sarah - sorry, I didn't know about your good bye lunch or I would have been there. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I really look forward to following your blog. I'm excited for you so I can imagine how you feel! Hope you have time to give lots of details without taking time away from the actual experience. Bon voyage! Marion

  2. I just found your Europe Series a few days ago. It inspired me to also pursue my dream of going to Europe someday. I might also do it solo like what you did. I really enjoy reading all your entries. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.

    Northern Italy Tours
